Tuesday 19 November 2019

Auyrvedic home remedy for Adenoids

Remedy 1: Take half spoon of Alum powder into cup of lukewarm water then gargle it. Do this twice a day for few days at least for better result.

Ayurveid home remedy for adenoids

Remedy 2: Take half spoon of thriphala churnam (mix of dry Chebula, dry Indian Gooseberry and dry Baheda) and boil it in glass of water. Gargle this solution when it becomes lukewarm.

Ayurvedic home remedy for Adenoids
Amla or Indian Goosberry
Ayurvedic home remedy for Adenoids
Chebula or Karakkaya

Ayurvedic home remedy for Adenoids
Baheda or Tanikaya

Remedy 3: Smash and extract juice from one garlic clove then heat that solution and mix some honey to it. Put one drop into each nostril.

Ayurvedic home remedy for Adenoids

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